Live Music For All Occasions

Aracelli Strings, established in 2001, is a first-class professional ensemble offering live music for all occasions. Our performances are filled with delightful energy and charm and provide a broad range of musical styles ranging from Traditional Classical favorites to Contemporary and Popular genres. Our musical offerings are suitable for small, intimate parties to large weddings, receptions, and corporate events, indoors or out. Aracelli String Quartet members are professional musicians in Tucson, members both past and present of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra and many other performing arts organizations in southern Arizona. Together they have performed in hundreds of events, including corporate parties, weddings of all denominations, and important local cultural events. We each bring to the ensemble our own professional performing experience and expertise. We offer highly professional service and flexible ensembles to fit any budget or venue.

Aracelli Strings, LLC

If you are looking for highly professional musicians to perform at your wedding - you have found the right group! We are not a booking agency - Aracelli Strings is a group of select professionals who have been playing together for many years.

Who We Are

Carlie Rigg - Violinist and manager of Aracelli Strings. Carlie holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in violin performance and has performed in many musical venues. A well-rounded performer, Carlie enjoys performing as a member of chamber orchestras, chamber ensembles, and Symphony Orchestras. Her musical experiences include performances as Associate Concertmaster of the Westminster Chamber Orchestra and the Spokane Opera and as the First violinist in the Spokane Symphony. As a chamber musician, Carlie performed as a member of the Mozambique Trio, the Esperanza String Quartet, the University of Idaho Faculty String Quartet, and as a soloist and Concertmaster of the Moscow (ID) Chamber Orchestra, which she co-founded. Carlie is currently a member of the first violin section in the Tucson Symphony Orchestra and performs with many arts organizations throughout Southern Arizona.

Alicia Hagerman - Violinist/Violist of Aracelli Strings. Alicia holds advanced degrees in violin performance from The Cleveland Institute of Music. She spent many years as a free-lance violinist in the Cleveland area and is presently a member of the first violin section in the Tucson Symphony Orchestra. Alicia performs in many venues throughout Southern Arizona.

David Rife, Violin - David Rife received his Bachelor of Music Degree in Violin Performance from the Eastman School of Music and a Master of Music Degree in Violin Performance from the New England Conservatory of Music. David moved to Tucson, Arizona in 1983 to join the Tucson Symphony Orchestra where he has held the positions of Associate Concertmaster, Assistant Concertmaster, Principal Second Violin, and Assistant Principal Second Violin. David is presently on the faculty of Quest for Education and Arts where he is the director of the advanced orchestra and on the faculty of the Rocky Ridge Music Center Junior Sessions. David is a dedicated violin teacher, and first violinist of the Southwest String Quartet. He was the first violinist of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra String Quartet for over 30 years. In 2005 he was the recipient of the Outstanding Private String Teacher Award in Arizona by the American String Teachers Association. His students have won local and statewide competitions, soloed with local orchestra and many have attended music schools and conservatories throughout the country. David was inducted into the Tucson Musicians Museum in 2012.

Marilyn Billups - Cellist for Aracelli Strings. Marylin began her professional career at 19 when she won a cello position in the Quebec Symphony Orchestra in Quebec, Canada. She has performed with the Erie Pennsylvania Symphony, the Youngstown Symphony, the Spokane and Tucson Symphony Orchestras, and the Arizona Opera Orchestra. She performed with the Neher- Billups Trio, which was awarded the first alternate position on the State Department tour of South Africa. She holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Ohio State University and a Masters degree in cello performance from the University of Arizona.